
Submission Guidelines
How to Submit a Proposal ?
To send a session proposal or an abstract, please complete the Online Abstract Form according to the below submission instructions and send it before August 1st, 2019. Acknowledgement of data reception and summary of your submission will be automatically sent to your email address. We particularly invite contributions to the Conference that address at least one of the Conference Tracks. Acceptance criteria should be highly observed.
Delegates when preparing their abstracts should consider the following instructions:
The length of your abstract must not exceed 500 words.
The abstract should contain the title of the oral presentation, name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s), contact information, 5 keywords, and biographical notes of author(s).
The abstract should indicate the Conference key theme pertained to the proposal.
All abstracts will be blindly reviewed by the Scientific Board on the basis of the following criteria:
Clarity of content.
Contribution to the knowledge base/evidence base.
Linking practice, policy and research.
Relevance and timeliness in terms of findings and conclusions.
Session Proposal
We invite proposals for organized oral sessions. These sessions are organized around a specific topic with most of the speakers invited by the organizer at the proposal stage and a few selected by the organizer from the contributed abstract pool. These sessions are distinguished from SES2019 core sessions in that there is less emphasis on the conference key topics. A strong organized oral session proposal may be comprised largely of related case studies.
Proposals are encouraged to address the Conference broad theme “Human and Ecological Systems”. Any timely, interdisciplinary, and coherent subject of broad relevance will be considered.
Session proposals should be submitted by email in Word format by August 1st, 2019 to ceres.centre@gmail.com.
Proposal Format
All proposals must include:
Principal organizer (Name, institution or affiliation, email)
Co-organizers (Names, institutions or affiliations, email). Indicate which of the participants will serve as moderator. The moderator may also serve as a speaker in the session.
4 to 5 Speakers (Names, affiliations, and tentative titles or topics). Only speakers who have been contacted and have committed to the session should be listed.
Session description (max 400 words) : It should focus on the theme of the session. May include background information, goals, objectives, importance, and relevance to HES2015 approach, objectives and key themes. The description should avoid overly specialized language. Any delegate attending the session should be able to understand it. It will appear in the online program and be read by attendees deciding whether or not to attend the session.
Session justification (max 250 words): It should focus on how the review criteria are met by the proposal. It should not simply repeat the description.
One sentence session summary ( max 50 words): This is a very short version of the session description. It will appear in the print program and be read by attendees deciding whether or not to attend the session
Review Criteria
All proposals will be peer-reviewed and scored by Scientific committee members. The Committee may accept, decline or offer an opportunity to present the proposed work in a more appropriate format (organized oral session, workshop or special session). Session organizers will be notified of relevant decisions by June 15, 2019.
Proposals will be assessed using the following criteria:
Scientific strength (present innovative and original work)
Structure and organization (form a coherent whole through contributions from individual talks / offer a range of perspectives through the collection of speakers / avoid the appearance of biases toward their organizers’ own perspectives)
Registration: Speakers, between 4 to 5, should register to the Conference
Full Research Paper
Delegates who wish to publish their research after the Conference venue are invited to submit a full paper upon acceptance of their abstract. Peer-reviewed papers will be considered for publication in a set of contributed volumes to be edited by global publishers such as Springer Nature, Routledge Environment & Sustainability. Chapters' authors will be provided with a soft or hard copy of published volumes according to publishing contracts.
Final papers shall be evidence-based and may be theoretical, empirical or policy-oriented, and can approach the Conference topics from a range of disciplinary perspectives. Moreover, final papers shall be unpublished, present findings from original data analysis, fill critical gaps in knowledge or policy, analyze a fundamental problem of significant scale, an emerging issue or presents a robust analytical model.
All papers shall be submitted according to these instructions: length between 8,000 and 10,000 words (max 20 pages), A4 Word, one column, 12pt Times New Roman font, single space, margins width (2 cm if possible). Papers shall include the following: Title of the paper (Title of the paper in 14pt bold), Full name(s) of the author(s), Full contact details of the author(s), Biographical note(s) of author(s) (max 150 words), Abstract (200 words) and 5 Keywords.
Submitted papers will be preselected and peer-reviewed based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to the conference themes, contributions, readability, etc.
Research papers should be submitted by email in Word format by October 15, 2019 to ceres.centre@gmail.com.