
CERES Publications > Research Papers in Journals

The CERES, and previously NRCS, has produced numerous research publications (books and contributed volumes, book chapters, research papers in Journals, research reports, etc.). In this page, we share a list of research papers published by CERES researchers in scientific journals.
Research Papers in Journals
Behnassi M. (2017), "The Energy-Water-Food Nexus and Climate Change: Implications for Policy-making, Research, and Business”. Climate Change, 3(9), pp: 153-156.
Behnassi M. (2016), ''The ‘Securitization’ of Climate Change: Relevance and Implications for the Global Climate Regime", In Melissa Lewis, Ed Couzens and Tuula Honkonen (eds),International Environmental Law-making and Diplomacy Review, University of Eastern Finland – UNEP Course Series 16, pp: 55-87.
Behnassi M. (2016), "Vers des mix énergétiques durables en Méditerranée occidentale : des défis partagés et des perspectives d’intégration", IEMED Policy Study, pp : 76-87.
Behnassi M. (2014), ''Social Audits and Responsible Outsourcing: Improving a Sustainable Global Supply Chain", Review of Enterprise and Management Studies(REAMS), November, Vol. 1, No. 3.
Behnassi M. (2014), "Geostrategic Implications of Climate Change in the Mediterranean", European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMED) Yearbook, pp: 287-291.
Behnassi M. et Bonnin M. (2010), "Évaluation de la gouvernance mondiale pour l’environnement et le développement durable dans la perspective des pays du Sud", Les Cahiers du CEDIMES, vol.4, N°2, pp: 25-44.
Behnassi M. (2008), "Justice transitionnelle: concept et leçons tirées des expériences internationales", Revue de Droit et de Sciences Politiques, N°1, pp: 15-32.
Behnassi M. (2008), "Tourisme durable: fondements, indicateurs et apport au développement des pays du Sud", Revue de Droit et de Sciences Politiques, N°1, pp: 96-120.
Behnassi M. (2008), Potentiel régulatoire de l’investissement socialement responsable", Revue Marocaine d'Administration Locale et de Développement (REMALD), N°80, mai-juin, pp: 77-96.